Sacramental Preparation

“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never thirst.” Jn 6:35

Baptised Catholic children are eligible to prepare to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion from Year 3. 

The children follow a carefully prepared programme, led by teachers. School is the first point of contact for parents who wish their children to prepare to receive the sacraments. We work with the parish closely to provide preparation sessions for both the children and parents. 

Children preparing for the first sacraments and their parents are expected to regularly attend Masses at St Clare’s. During the time of preparation the children take an active part in Mass as they develop a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith and what it means to be Catholic.

Preparation to receive the sacraments begins with a Mass of Enrolment with the parish community, where the children are given a medal to wear throughout their time of preparation each time they attend Mass. We also ask prayer sponsors from the parish to pray for the children during their time of preparation. We invite our prayer sponsors to a special Mass of Presentation, where the pupils are presented to the parish and displayed in church. Throughout the journey of preparation school and families work closely together, ensuring children are prepared well. Children enjoy having special celebrations in school where they share this special time with their teachers and friends.

Sacramental Preparation 2024

Sacramental preparation will take place every Monday 3:30pm- 4:30pm in school. Please find key dates below:

Sunday 4th February 2024

Mass of Enrolment

9:30 am during Sunday Mass- all parents and children


Tuesday 21st May 2024

Sacrament of Reconciliation 

09:30 am in church


Saturday 8th June 2024

Mass for First Holy Communion  

11:00 am in church


Monday 10th June 2024

First Holy Communion Celebration – in school


Wednesday 26th June 2024

Holy Renunion Mass

6:30pm at The Catholic High School, Chester 

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