Mini Vinnies
We have a wonderful group of children who are in our Mini Vinnie group.
What is Mini Vinnies?
Mini Vinnies is a group of primary school young people who get together to help those in need within their school community. Mini Vinnies introduces children to social justice issues, to the St Vincent de Paul Society and to living faith through action.
What does a Mini Vinnies group do?
Mini Vinnies is about doing good works in the community, but it is also about young people meeting to talk and share ideas and concerns, to have fun and to support each other. The Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is a great way to get young people thinking and talking about their spirituality; by connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community, they can help make their faith real, meaningful and relevant. Typically the group will meet regularly and will set goals on what they want to do and achieve. The group will look at why they need to do something and how they will do it.
For more information, please follow the link below.