Antarctica - Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Whitley

Teacher: Miss Dixon (Wednesdays)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Boswell and Miss Dunlop

General information


This term, PE will be on Thursday and Friday so please ensure you come to school in your PE kit, we will be going outside in most weathers so please dress appropriately. In Winter months, if it is not raining, we will still do some lessons outside so please ensure children have warm clothing, e.g. tracksuit bottoms, and trainers where possible as pumps do not provide the grip needed for outdoor sports. Please remove your child's earrings on these days before they attend school if they cannot take them out themselves as we can not help them. 


- Reading: Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week for an extended time. This should be recorded by the child or their parent/carer in their reading record book. If the child writes in their own reading record book, it should be signed by an adult to confirm. 

For Year 6 book ideas, please follow the link below.

-Maths: Children will be set homework every Monday and it will be due the following week. 

For additional Maths practise, please follow the links below.

For additional times tables practise, please practise using TT Rockstars

- Homework will be set on a Monday and needs to be returned the following Monday. This homework will include a variety of activities including: comprehension, spelling, punctuation, grammar and maths. Sometimes this homework will be available online only.

What are we learning this term?

Antatarctica Spring 2025 page 1.jpg

Antatarctica Spring 2025 page 2.jpg



Homework expectations

Antarctica Homework.png


Files to Download