North America - Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Newell
Teaching Assistant: Miss Cooper and Mr Hall
Please feel free to contact us, using our class email address:
General Information...
This term, we will have PE on a Tuesday and a Friday. On these days your child should attend school in their PE kit; yellow t-shirt, black leggings, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and the green hoodies. Please come dressed for the weather as we will be mostly outside. In Winter months, if it is not raining, we will still do some lessons outside so please ensure children have warm clothing e.g black tracksuit bottoms and trainers where possible as pumps do not provide the grip needed for outdoor sports. Please make sure that long hair is tied back and remove your child's earrings on these days before they attend school if they cannot take them out themselves.
Water Bottles
Please remember you need a water bottle in school every day with water only. We will send them home every night for a wash and refill.
-Reading: Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week. To monitor reading progress, please record any reading in the reading record book. This can be a signed comment on their progress.
For Year 3 book ideas, please follow the link below.
-Maths: Children will be set homework every Monday and it will be due the following week.
For additional Maths practise, please follow the links below.
What are we learning this term?
Homework Expectations...