South America - Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Mallon

Year 3 class teacher

South America 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Beattie 

Please feel free to contact us, using our class email 

General information...


This term, we will have PE on a Monday and Tuesday. On this day your child should attend school in their PE kit. Children should wear black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms, their yellow PE top and green hoodie. If your child does not have a green hoodie or it is being washed from the previous day, they should attend in their normal school jumper or cardigan rather than their own sports jacket. Please make sure that hair is tied back and remove your child's earrings on this day before they attend school if they cannot take them out themselves. Under exceptional circumstances earrings can be covered with plasters but these must be provided by you and kept in school. 

Water Bottles

Please remember you need a water bottle in school every day. We will send them home every night for a wash and refill. 

Book Bags

Please bring your book bag in every day with your reading book, reading record and homework book inside. Children on RWI will have their books changed on a Monday and Thursday. Children accessing Guided Reading should indicate to us when they have read all of their book and we will change it whenever is needed.

What are we learning this term?

Spring Term 2025.jpg

Spring Term 25.jpg

Homework Expectations

Times Table Rock Stars (log in details inside reading records) To be completed weekly.
Maths Set every Monday to be completed over the course of the week. This will be completed online at
Spelling practise Worksheet in books sent home on a Monday containing 5 new spellings to be tested on the following Monday.
Reading Ongoing. Children should read at least 3 times a week at home with an adult. Please record any reads in their reading record. Certificates will be given when certain amount of reads are reached.


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