Europe - Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Bradley
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ahern, Miss Blythin and Mrs P-J
Please feel free to contact us, using our class email address:
General Information...
This term, PE will be on Monday and Wednesday so please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit; yellow t-shirt, black leggings, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and the green hoodies. We will do some lessons outside so please ensure children have warm clothing, e.g. black tracksuit bottoms and trainers where possible as pumps do not provide the grip needed for outdoor sports. Please remove your child's earrings on these days before they attend school if they cannot take them out themselves.
Please ensure that long hair is tied back everyday.
Water Bottles
Please remember to send your child to school with a water bottle every day with water only. We will send them home each night to be washed and refilled.
Book Bags
Please remember to send your child to school with a book bag every day with your reading book and reading reccord inside. Children will have their books changed on a Monday and Thursday.
Phonics Screening Check
This term the children will take the PSC. Please ensure that you are reading at home and using the Phonics QR codes provided every week to practise sounds and reading. This will prepare your child and add to all the hard work that they do at school.
What are we learning this term?
Homework Expectations...
Phonics- The children will be sent home with RWI QR codes each week. Please get the children to watch them each week as this will ensure they get a secure knowledge of the sounds we are learning in school.
Spellings- The children will be sent home with RWI QR codes each week and complete spellings in their orange Homework books.
Maths- The children will be set one piece of online maths homework each week to consolidate the learning that has taken place that week. Login and passwords can be found in Reading Records.
Reading- Please ensure that your child reads 5 times a week. To monitor reading progress, please record any reading in the reading record book. This can be a signed comment on their progress and any words that they are finding tricky to read.
Big Write- This will be set twice every term on Google Classrooms. Each time the children will be set a different stimulous the night before a big write day. You can use this time to plan at home what the children will write about, this can be a conversation, research or a written plan in their orange homework books. This homework will be used as a guide for their writing the next day.