Australia - Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Kelly-Murphy

Mr Gates

Teachers: Mr Gates -  Monday and Tuesday

              Mrs Kelly-Murphy - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Smith and Miss Edwards

Please feel free to contact us, using our class email addresses:

General Information ...


Our P.E. days this term will be Wednesday and Thursday this term. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.

In the winter months, if it is not raining, we will still do some lessons outside so please ensure children have warm clothing, e.g. tracksuit bottoms, and trainers where possible as pumps do not provide the grip needed for outdoor sports.

Please remove your child's earrings on these days before they attend school if they cannot take them out themselves. 

Water Bottles and Book bags

Please can your child bring a water bottle into school every day with water only. This will be sent home at the end of each day to be cleaned and refilled. Your child will also need to bring their book bag in daily with their reading book and reading record inside. 

Learning Journey

Every child’s individual learning and development will be recorded using ‘Seesaw’ which is an online learning journey. We love this way of recording as it allows our parents/carers to see what their child has been doing in school on a regular basis. At the beginning of the school year, please click on the following link and select your child's name to gain access to their Seesaw profile. This will allow you to view your child’s learning experiences, comment on these and even upload any fantastic learning that has taken place at home!

Curriculum goals.JPG

What are we learning this term?

2025 Overview Spring 1 2025.jpg

Australia Autumn 2024 (2).jpg

Homework Expectations

Homework such as handwriting, reading sounds and number work will be given out frequently in the first term.

Please complete this and return to school by the end of the week.

Reading: Children are expected to read 5 times a week for around 15 minutes a time. This should be recorded by parent/carer in their reading record book. Reading that takes place at home will be recorded daily by a member of staff. Your child will receive Reading Reward certificates for reading regularly and gaining personal milestones. 

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