
Assessing Progress

Classteachers are continuously assessing the children in their class as a natural, integrated part of their practice: their intentions are to sum up where a child is (formative), so as to plan where to take the child on next, and to diagnose any difficulties (diagnostic). Detailed records are kept. Each year group will complete a termly assessment to inform teaching and monitor progress.

At the end of Key Stages 1 and 2 all children undergo the national SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) (summative) and results are reported to parents. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress three times a year in the Autumn, Spring and the Summer terms. We all have high expectations of the children; we give them praise and encouragement; we aim to deliver a full curriculum which is aimed to develop the whole child. Emphasis is always upon what the individual child can do. However, it is also an opportunity for parent, teacher and child to identify targets which will support progress.


At the end of Reception, assessment is based on classroom observations. An Early Years profile will be completed for every child in line with statutory requirements. This helps teachers plan appropriately for each child’s next phase of learning.

At the end of Key Stage 1, children will be assessed as part of the Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) (summative). This will take place in their last term of Year 2, within their normal classroom environment, and will consist of assessment by their own teacher and a variety of tasks externally set, but implemented by their teacher.

In order to ensure progression in learning and the development of skills, data from end of Key Stage 1 assessments is used to plan each child’s work as they begin Key Stage 2 programmes of study.

At the end of Key Stage 2, following the timetable for a week specified by the Department of Education, children in Year 6 sit statutory national tests in English and Mathematics. Results achieved by the children in the tests, together with the teacher’s assessment across the subject for the year, are reported to parents.

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